 High Country - by Cassie Lewis. Little Esther Books, P.O. Box 8091 Station Arcade, Adelaide SA 5000 Australia. $11.00
 Filling Spaces with Heat - by Christopher Fritton.
Fritton Press, 203 Norwood, Buffalo, NY 14222. $5.00
 Anthesteria - by ric royer. Bark-Art Press, 547 Linwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14209. $5.00.
 O-D-E - by Joel Chase Runaway Spoon Press, P.O. Box 3621, Port Charlotte, Florida, 33949. $10.00.
 To be a Poet is to Be - by Jack Micheline. Implosion Press, 4975 Comanche Trail, Stow, Ohio 44224. $4.00
 Toxic Flesh - by Holly Day.
Implosion Press, 4975 Comanche Trail, Stow, Ohio 44224. $4.00
 23 Poems - by Shane Jones. Vis-a-septic Publications, P.O. Box 3441, Quartz Hill, California, 93586. Send some bucks. Do it Now.
 Blah Blah Blah: The Times of Angie and Rachel - by Cheryl Townsend. 2001. $5.00. fingerprintpress cait collins - editor/publisher - The Hold ezine P.O. Box 5473 Deptford, NJ. 08096.
 The Dialogue on the Other Side of the Door - by Mark Wisniewski. Showerhead Press * pob 5506 * sherman oaks, ca 91413 usa -
$2.00 plus postage.
High Country - by Cassie Lewis. Little Esther Books, P.O. Box 8091 Station Arcade, Adelaide SA 5000 Australia. $11.00
Merging with landscape and land, trees, and entering as accompany wed as
twins with nature and such taking shapes as words, with words also Cassie
Lewis becomes natural and original - the high country - the country of
primal mind, shapes of the stuff of the poet's heart.
Filling Spaces with Heat - by Christopher Fritton.
Fritton Press, 203 Norwood, Buffalo, NY 14222. $5.00
An exceptional work of modern poem music - using the page as score and
space and time - variants and variations on ideas and images becoming the
UN and UR real and the real and that real that is not real, and other reels
that include real heat, and steam heaters, dreams, toilets and affections,
all of which inhabit this entity of art wor(l)ds that falls and floats and
is in between, and not, the realm that governs thoughts and the music of
furnaces, toilets and dreams (all instruments) played by those others that
inhabit this space as poetry with and others like poets.
Anthesteria - by ric royer. Bark-Art Press, 547 Linwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14209. $5.00.
Wine writing entering as a dance and a celebration of imagining a festival
of flowers and spring, of burgeoning flesh/fresh blossoms new again
mythology - in the traditions of the high romance of Shelley and Byron, ric
royer, a Hermes of the 21th century, weaves wreaths of a re-imagination of
the becoming of spring with his Dionysian poetic, and myth skin, veiling
and teasing throughout - most ethereal moon worshiping, and where words are
born Worbs of wine drink this drunk where poetry begins hovering over and
around the silky bulbs pushing blossoms up through the pages of myth.
O-D-E - by Joel Chase Runaway Spoon Press, P.O. Box 3621, Port Charlotte, Florida, 33949. $10.00.
It. IT! The IT that rules the poem comes clear here in this work by Joel
Chase and that the rose is a volcano and vice versa and it is all a great
force of imagination and that those entities within the poem, the poetry,
those memories and (they are) beings that seem to populate poetry are all
manifestations of poetry, the everyday is the mind and that above all
hovering angels are poetry and that is what he has here so marvelously and
succinctly proposed that the snow of his heart and mind - have come to
populate the page with poetry that is refined and tangible imagination.
To be a Poet is to Be - by Jack Micheline. Implosion Press, 4975 Comanche Trail, Stow, Ohio 44224. $4.00
The true, the real poet St. Bum of Athens America Micheline barefoot and
real still wanders and walks with us via his poems. If you have not
approached them, do. For Micheline the ego is in the grave. And all there
is IS! The clarity of not just WRITING the poem but BEING the poem -
amazingly clear, the senses, the program of his writing, his only holy
purpose always there as poetry.
Toxic Flesh - by Holly Day.
Implosion Press, 4975 Comanche Trail, Stow, Ohio 44224. $4.00
The poet Holly Day speaks spiritual, otherworldly unity, peace in a land of
human garbage and garbage generated by humanity. It is hard to find nirvana
in the intellectual and literal rubble of the world. Still, the quest via
the art of heart poem yields the realization of a small amount of
contentment in reality. So one is left with only a glimpse, an islet,
because one must recognize the brutally and limitation of humans, and flesh
and mind before entering love that exists even in darkness where it might
be limited but still may, must be.
23 Poems - by Shane Jones. Vis-a-septic Publications, P.O. Box 3441, Quartz Hill, California, 93586. Send some bucks. Do it Now.
I did meet Shane Jones and I did hear Shane Jones read. And I said, this is
an interesting poetry he has a going here. And then he talks about small
press poetry and it is obvious that he has read a lot of it and has chosen
this realm as his realm. I got scarred like falling out a window into the
jaws of the alligators of hell that are sharks and razors and ghosts. This
guy might be the real thing, I thought. Even thought I am older and have
credentials and say things like I eat ear cancer for breakfast poetry and
the crucifixion nails oh sure, tasty, fascinating and the line this and the
image of that, yes…all very very interesting and art full of knives and
bullets and ballets of garlic in the stomach…. all very very interesting,
interesting, and I was afraid. While I read his poems, I turned to the
cover again to make sure that I wasn't reading Charles Bukowski because of
all the poets like Bukowski, Shane Jones had actually studied Bukowski's
line structure and the cadence of Bukowski's verse and Shane Jones could
but did not like copy Buk but like a merging, like a merging with
Bukowski's poems, like a poem written for the very first time. I was mighty
impressed and thought that I have to get this guy to sign this book cause
when he rolls the wining dice I wanna sit back and say, hey you out there
reading this in cait collins's THE HOLD, I told you assholes, I told you
Blah Blah Blah: The Times of Angie and Rachel - by Cheryl Townsend. 2001. $5.00. fingerprintpress cait collins - editor/publisher - The Hold ezine P.O. Box 5473 Deptford, NJ. 08096
Now both Cheryl Townsend and cait collins are part of the Women's Art
Recognition Movement: WARM. What are's a good thing, yes! And see, since I
have been writing these things for more than a year now - collins has
maintained her modesty and not blowed her own horn! So I gotta like get
like Gabriel Parker and TOOT the trumpet TOOT. You, HEAR YE AND ME you are
already here at this web site so look around and find THIS Townsend book
and all else that is WARM. And this book of 17 poems by Cheryl T. of
emotionally relationships at sea and some sinking pondering on the rocks
about to go over and others to float, bob like corks. Another side twist of
the constant exploration physically, emotionally and intellectually by
Townsend who is always examining via poem the endless variation and nuances
of male vs. female and the many selves and oddities that might occur when
these two different magnetics engage. Superb to see CAT Townsend finding
new cerebral territory in which she can peer her witch's eye of the needle
so succinctly open and sew shut the hidden and always fresh human
interaction. The grey matter of the soft underbelly of the erotic poem is
this poet mind thinking behind these carnal acts of love and lust.
The Dialogue on the Other Side of the Door - by Mark Wisniewski. Showerhead Press * pob 5506 * sherman oaks, ca 91413 usa - $2.00 plus postage.
This is a tiny book composed of only two poems - you can hide it in your
pocket, you can hide it in your shoe, and the poems are written by one of
the more interesting pals of Francois Villion hanging around the pool hall.
I do believe that these two poems are a two edged knife stuck in the belly
of a priest. Wisniewski can run the table with smoke in his left eye and
his bladder full of Coka Cola. Get as much of this guy as you can. Don't
look in Borders. Order Direct … better use your P.O. box.
 Michael Basinski Assistant Curator Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, SUNY at Buffalo. His poems, articles and reviews have appeared in numerous publications including: Proliferation, Terrible Work, Deluxe Rubber Chicken, Boxkite, The Mill Hunk Herald, Yellow Silk, The Village Voice, Object, Oblek, Score, Generator, Juxta, Poetic Briefs, Another Chicago Magazine, Sure: A Charles Bukowski Newsletter, Moody Street Irregulars: A Jack Kerouac Newsletter, Kiosk, Earth's Daughters, Atticus Review, Mallife, Taproot, Transmog, B-City, House Organ, First Intensity, Mirage No.4/Period(ical), Lower Limit Speech, Texture, R/IFT, Chain, Antenym, Bullhead, Poetry New York, First Offence, and many others.
For more than twenty years he has performed his choral voice collages and sound texts with his intermedia performance ensemble: The Ebma, which has released two Lps: SEA and Enjambment.
His books include: Idyll (Juxta Press, 1996), Heebee-jeebies (Meow Press, 1996), SleVep (Tailspin Press, 1995), Vessels (Texture Press, 1993), Cnyttan (Meow Press, 1993), Mooon Bok (Leave Books, 1992)and Red Rain Too (1992)and Flight to the Moon (1993) from Run Away Spoon Press. Send books and magazines for review to:
Michael Basinski
Poetry/Rare Books Collection
420 Capen Hall
SUNY at Buffalo
Bflo. New York 14260
click here for Creative Writing Poetry Submissions and Paper Proposals on Popular Culture Poetry Poets for the 2003 Popular Culture Association Conference to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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