submissionsthank you for your interest in the hold e-zine. the hold prides itself in presenting to our readers the best contemporary writing on the internet from our well-known established authors to the budding new writer/poet. all spots are currently filled but we are accepting new submissions on a limited basis for future consideration.
submissions may be sent in the body of the e-mail or as attachments.
e-mail all submissions to:
prose, poetry, art, rants, columns: 1-2 pieces at a time.
proofread thoroughly before submitting.
if you've got the guts to be a columnist, hit us with your best stuff.
be sure to include your name, short bio, e-mail address and website (if available).
postal submissions must include name, return address, phone # and
of course your content - ***if you want your submissions returned please include a self-addressed
stamped envelope with the correct postage***
mail to: cait collins * /submissions * pob 5473 * deptford, nj 08096
($$$) - before you even ask - ($$$) is a collection of the best contemporary/underground writers, photographers and artists in the world. hence, the-hold is not owned by one person. all of the contributors of ARE the hold and voluntarily expose their talent to the interested reader and writer. we do not currently offer monetary compensation to contributors. if that's what you're looking for, get a job and fuck off...this zine is for the pure stimulation of our readers and writers. - :::wank wank::: -
please be patient, you will be notified
disclaimerby submitting your work you acknowledge that you are the sole author, and maintain all rights for your work. work by you may have been previously published elsewhere. if your work is accepted for publication, acquires the rights to republish and reproduce your material (text, audio, art, photography, anthologies, book reviews etc) in online, cassette, and CD/CD-ROM multimedia format at anytime in the future.(not for resale unless otherwise notified) all rights remain with the author and
also by submitting material to, any and all publications will be archived online. do NOT ask to be removed from any or all parts of any issues or to change links, re-arrange pages, replace fake orgasms, resize the length and/or width of yer virtual dick, or hunt-down a missing elongated co------m,------------ma even. it's fuckin' annoying as beat hell and i don't have time for sissy hemorrhoidal moments...
understand that this establishment is a courtesy! either you're a poet/artist and you want the grand exposure or ya don''s as simple as that. make up your mind before submitting.
reproduction, copying, or redistribution for personal or commercial purposes of any materials or design elements at is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the respective authors/artists. reserves the right to discard without notice those submissions by people who don't pay the fuck attention to begin with or send stupid flowery shit.
now that you've read your luck and send something...and acknowledge that you've read and agree to all our submission guidelines and disclaimers. this stuff is subject to change and/or be added to without notice.
cait collins
[ us copyright ] [ ISBN / SAN ]
all poetry, prose, art, photography, books and especially the rants are copyright of their respective authors- unauthorized use is prohibited.
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